Immersive high resolution photographs for cultural heritage

Data di pubblicazione: 2018
Pagine: 120
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Atti delle giornate di studio internazionali (10-11 maggio 2016 Napoli) “Tecniche di Rappresentazione Avanzate – LM 12. Panorami sferici e proiezioni equirettangolari per l’analisi dello spazio e delle immagini”

Rapid techniques for immersive experiences. Expected and achieved results: a comparison – Adriana Rossi
The evolution of photography and its relationship with the drawing – José Ignacio Sánchez Rivera
Gigapixel panoramas for documentation. Quadraturism in santa maria del temple in Valencia – Pedro M. Cabezos, Julio Albert, Pedro Molina, Daniel Martin
Methodology of digital survey for the documentation of the archeological heritage, three projects for UNESCO world heritage sites: Villa Adriana in Tivoli (Rome), the Fortress of Masada (Israel) and the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Palestine) – Stefano Bertocci
A first proposal of an algorithm for the evaluation of the error in the photogrammetric restitution – Salvatore Barba, Francesca Condorelli
The illusion project from the perspectives painted until the immersive photography – Maria Ines Pascariello, Fausta Fiorillo
An ancient space-time revisited. Computer models for documentation and optimization of the environmental heritage – Emilia Carbone